Wednesday, 15 June 2016

Looking for second Career?

You can do it! We are here to help! Come Register! Says the Joint Secy of eWIT, Ms Latha Ramesh

It is common knowledge that many women drop out in the middle of their successful career due to personal or family reasons. But, is it common that these women come back to resume their career? Not really. Reasons for that are many. Often it is to do with the women themselves.
Fear of getting rejected, lack of self confidence, fear of not being able to meet expectations, skill gap: and difficulty to self learn and upgrade skills, difficulty in accepting a lower position than former peers are some of the reasons.

Fear of getting rejected, lack of self confidence, fear of not being able to meet expectations, skill gap: and difficulty to self learn and upgrade skills, difficulty in accepting a lower position than former peers are some of the reasons.
Even before I address the issues mentioned above, let me state why one should work. The reasons are the same, irrespective of one’s gender. It is to be independent, to prove one’s worth, to be able to contribute to society/ country and to be able to translate one’s ideas and dreams into action. Plus, in today’s world one doesn’t want to be left out of the community / friends. And above all, if you have spent so many years slogging out, burning the mid night oil and qualified to start your career, why put a break in the middle and lose out all those precious time and resources you spent qualifying.
Now you need to go over all those blocks that come in the way of your resuming your career.
Receiving a ‘No’ from employers: Yes, that is a possibility. Companies have specific requirements and if your profile does not match those requirements, obviously, the answer is going to be a ‘No’. But these days, companies do not reject because you have had a career break. So long as you are willing to catch up and willing to get back on track, the answer will be favourable.
Lack of self confidence: This stems from the fear of not being able to meet the deliverables at work and manage expectations at the home front. The best way to address this would be to look at all those women who have done it. Gone are the days women put a seal on their career after either marriage or child birth. Look at all those women who manage work as well as their personal lives. There are so many to draw inspiration from. Even the most successful women have time for their family. Today, most companies have women friendly policies. Decide how you plan to manage between work and home. Speak with your family members and get their support. Find out more about other support systems that are available, like childcare, afterschool support or eldercare etc. Your self confidence is a reflection of your level of preparedness.
Fear of not being able to meet the expectations: Often times, this is because you do not want to compromise either at work or at home. There is no need to lower your standards. But you will have to step up and take charge of all that you want to accomplish. When your expectations are realistic, there is no heartburn. So long as the compromises you make do not impact your family or work, there is no problem.
Skill gap: This is definitely an issue and it can be addressed only by diligent planning. Once you decide to get back to work, identify what you missed out when you were away from the employment radar. Sometimes you may want to completely switch gear and decide to take up some other track where you have the potential. It is not uncommon for someone in training, moving to quality or coding. Once you decide, look at your resume from your prospective employer’s point of view. Draw up a plan to fill out the gaps. There are hundreds of on-line courses that are available today for you to sign up and upgrade your skills. Sometimes, even the employers are ready to provide the training you may need.
Difficulty in taking up a position lower than that of your peers: This is another reason that constantly bugs many. The truth is that you took a break and your former colleague didn’t. In a competitive world it is inevitable. But you are having your cake and eating it too. Once you are back on track, you too have enough opportunities and sky is the limit.
Now, what are you waiting for? Go ahead and register with eWIT at our website, and upload your resume

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